As a consultant for Head Energy, Kristina Pind Løvgren has a varied and flexible working life. “It has given me the courage to accept more assignments than I would have on my own,” she says.
The security of a being part of a team and the desire for new challenges illustrates one of the crossroads you often encounter during your career. Should you try something new and exciting, or should you stay in the safe environment with well-known colleagues, seniority, and accumulated expertise?
For Kristina Pind Løvgren, the solution was both. She chose a job as a consultant at Head Energy because here she saw the opportunity to get new tasks and at the same time retain a good deal of influence and cooperation with talented colleagues.
“I am free as a bird, and at the same time have a safe base with Head Energy and a good team to back me up. For me, it is an important ballast, which has given me the courage to challenge myself and accept more different tasks than I would have otherwise. I have gained a much more varied work life” she says.

Get access to more
More and more companies demand flexibility and mobility from their employees, and often the consulting solution is an obvious choice. Not least in the energy sector, where there is a shortage of competent people. Head Energy is able to accommodate this demand with a team of specialists who can work both on short-term projects and in permanent positions.
“As consultants, we are a limited risk for the company. We are easy to hire and less complex to put to work, because we are dealing with a predefined task and because we bring in experience which means that we can quickly familiarize ourselves with the tasks. If the company has a short deadline, or if it is difficult to find the right employee, consultants are an effective solution. It gives us the option to take on many exciting tasks” says Kristina Pind Løvgren.
For her, being part of a pool of consulting skills, has given her an exciting and varied work life:
“Many of the tasks we are involved in, never reach Jobindex or LinkedIn” she says: “Head Energy have knowledge of tasks and opportunities that I could not get a hold of myself. I get access to exciting projects and employment opportunities that I would never discover myself, because they are never advertised” she says.
The task may require that you are available right away, or that you have specific experience or knowledge. “It may be a tender process with a short deadline, planning and execution of operational tasks, analytical work or product and service development. Here, we have an advantage as consultants” she says.

Part of a team
Often a combination of knowledge is the best solution:
“Head Energy has an amazing ability to see how our different competences can be put to play and can put together a team that can solve the specific task at hand. They can respond to the customer: The person you are looking for does not exist. But with 10 hours of Peter, 5 hours of Kristina and 5 hours of Karsten, we can solve the task. Not many companies have that opportunity, and it is a great way to solve the tasks as part of a team” says Kristina Pind Løvgren.
In her experience, companies have become good at using consultants to create flexibility and to get a hold of candidates they would not be able to attract as new employees otherwise.
“I find that several companies simply see the consulting solution as another form of employment. More and more employees want to have an influence on their work life, and the companies acknowledge this. In this way, they get the specific candidate that they need, simply as a consultant. That’s the kind of employment I have now” she says.
Another advantage of working as a consultant is that you are often hired in to solve a specific task:
“I am not in the process of making a career or positioning myself for the next opportunity. I am not on a development journey where I need to reinvent myself, and this is quite liberating. It gives me the opportunity to focus on the task at hand and to put my energy into exactly what the customer needs” she says.
A varied and challenging work life
For Kristina Pind Løvgren, the best argument for choosing a consultancy employment with Head Energy is that she can challenge herself in a much broader field of work.
“If you want to challenge yourself and test the slightly deeper water, it’s a really good opportunity to do it with a team to back you up”, she says:
“As consultants with Head Energy, we are continuously updated on what is in the pipeline: ‘We have this project coming up soon, could you be interested? How do we solve this task in the best possible way?’ I love the variation, and it will be difficult to find a job that can match the selection I have today” says Kristina Pind Løvgren.
The downside is that you may not have any influence on the duration of the task. But:
“As times are now, I’m not worried about finding my next job. I consider the uncertainty factor of consultancy to be quite small” she says:

“I have gained a network that goes far beyond what I would have following a traditional career path as a permanent employee. I have tasks on my resume and knowledge of many companies in the industry, which would require a lot of job changes to obtain otherwise. Previously, many short-term employments were bad for the resume, but I find that this has turned around a bit and it is an advantage to have a broad range of experience” she says.
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